lunes, 2 de junio de 2014

Modals verbs

 Choose the correct modal verb for these statements of ability.

1. 8 years ago, I __________ play the piano.
a) can
b) could
c) will be able to

2. In 3 years I __________ drive.
a) can
b) could
c) will be able to

3. __________ you hear the music right now?
a) Can
b) Could
c) Could not

4. I __________ swim.
a) cant
b) can't
c) cant'

5. __________ go to the party tomorrow?
a) Can you
b) Could you
c) Will you be able to

6. She __________ finish the homework last night.
a) could no
b) couldn't
c) not could

7. The singer __________ dance very well.
a) can
b) can no
c) could no

8. The teacher __________ see the books right now.
a) can't
b) couldn't
c) can no
d) could no

9. I __________ vote in the election next year.
a) could
b) wasn't able to
c) will be able to

10. I __________ hear you. Could you please speak louder?
a) can't
b) can

Martes, 10 de junio de 2014



1. The instructions in the exam were very complicated and left the students feeling totally confused .
2. I don't think that horror films are frightening - in fact, I find them quite funny.
3. Would you be interested in coming to the theatre this evening? I have a spare ticket.
4. Can't you fix that dripping tap? It's getting on my nerves - it's really irritating .
5. I didn't expect to see Peter at the party. I was really surprised to see him there.
6. He's had a lot of bad news recently and is feeling a bit depressed . Let's go and cheer him up.
7. I find it relaxing to lie on the sofa and listen to music after a hard day's work.
8. I was told the film was really good but I felt utterly bored by it.
9. I get really annoyed when people throw rubbish down in the streets. It makes me furious.
10. If I said anything as stupid as he did in front of a thousand people, I'd feel really embarrassed .
11. The kitchen hadn't been cleaned for ages. It was really disgusting .
12. I'm starting a new job next week. I'm quite excited about it
13. The lecture was boring . I fell asleep.
14. It's sometimes embarrassing when you have to ask people for money.

Your mark: 100 /100


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